Recently Updated Pages
PCB Guide Part 1 - Preparations
Warning: This guide is outdated.A revision is planned but yet to be created. This guide is in...
Keycap Designers Discord (KDD)
The once-dead keycap designers' discord has been brought back to life and is full of great people...
Some Resources
Here is a list of a few helpful resources that might help you get started designing. This doc ...
Plate with ai03 Plate Generator
A quick and easy method that doesn't compromise. Tutorial Begin by making the layout in Keybo...
PCB Guide Part 2 - Beginning the project
By this point, you should have a repository readied for the project. Step 3. Creating the KiCad ...
Brutally honest truths of designing cases
This addresses the most common issues I see with case design. 1. Don't one-off that one-off. ...
Switch Dimensions and Physical Specifications
For a list of all switch datasheets available on hand, please see the switch datasheets tab of ai...
PCB Quantity vs Price Comparisons
Using JLCPCB price quotes. All blanks; no PCBA cost factored in. First set of data without shipp...
Breakaway Tabs
Occasionally, you'll want to use breakaway tabs in your PCB to combine a few PCBs into a single p...
EMI Shielding and Reduction
Healthy PCB designing. Important to prevent a keyboard from malfunctioning from too much outside...
Good USB Routing Practices
A quick summary of Good Usb Practices Trace length Matching Intel suggests that USB trace...
USB Type-C
Make your keyboard future-proof and reversible Type-C USB Slightly wider than MicroUSB conn...
Routing Techniques
Tips for a proper, organized PCB Good Routing Techniques Do not route traces close to the e...
Matrices and Duplex Matrix
Improving upon their design. Maximizing the matrix For non-macropad keyboards, routing a ma...
Microcontroller Design
For successful and elegant controller circuitry. Microcontroller Basics Controller such as ATME...
PCB Guide Part 7 - USB-C and LEDs
Notice: This page is incomplete and is currently being written. Let's spice up the project with ...
PCB Guide Part 6 - Fill zones, decoration and production
Now that the routing is finished, let's tune the PCB up. Step 11. Ground fills You may remember...
PCB Guide Part 5 - Creating the PCB
Now that the schematic is finished and footprint data has been exported, we can begin with the PC...
PCB Guide Part 4 - The rest of the schematic
By this point, you should have the MCU schematic zone complete. Step 6. The rest of the schemati...
PCB Guide Part 3 - Creating the MCU schematic
By this point, you should have installed the programs, created the repository, and added the loca...